Summer 2019 "The Complete Player"
Summer League Games? Sure they are fun. It may help politically to make your town or high school coach THINK your son or daughter or committed to get better but are they? Watch these summer league games or open gyms and ask yourself if they are getting better. You may have to attend some summer league games to appease your coaches but if you want to see improvement they need to work on their skills. We did our best to schedule our nights on the least use summer league nights and offered different programs for your choice.
If you enroll for 1 or 2 programs and have to miss a couple because of your busy summer schedule you can just choose to go to another program but please notify us 1st so we can plan accordingly.
Message from Coach TardifIt is our focus at the Merrimack Valley Eagles Basketball Program to provide the very best opportunity for all players to improve their basketball skills and confidence while enjoying our program.
We attempt to this by providing the very best coaches that care about all players and teaching them the skills needed to become a better player. It has been our experience what often happens is that the players that develop physically quicker than others their age tend to dominate at a younger age. But, as all the other kids grow and mature many of the players that were bigger, faster and stronger at an earlier age often to not grow while others catch them in size and often surpass them. How do you prevent this? Skills! Have your son or daughter become the best skills player they can become regardless of their size. How frustrating is it for a parent to watch their son or daughter make the same mistake over and over again in games? Why does this happen? This happens because players do not practice basketball skills enough and just play in games. It is having your son or daughter take exams in school without studying.
Contact us anytime and drop in for a free session. Thank you, Coach Joe Tardif Sr. Call or Text: 603.234.5727 Email: [email protected] |