After coaching and watching many AAU games this spring it has become evident to me that every program, team and player are focusing on the 3 point shot.
Don’t be confused with a player that takes a lot of 3 point shots with the player that makes a lot of 3 point shots. My son Joe tells players “Taking a lot of 3 point shots does not make a great 3 point shooter. Making a lot of 3 point shots does.”
The game of basketball has changed dramatically since the implementation of the 3 point shot. If a player wants to make a team and wants playing time they must be able to take and hit the 3 point shot.
Please join us for our (4) day 3 point shot clinic Monday June 24th to Thursday June 27th. Don't let your daughter/son fall behind others.
Coach Joe Tardif Sr
After coaching and watching many AAU games this spring it has become evident to me that every program, team and player are focusing on the 3 point shot.
Don’t be confused with a player that takes a lot of 3 point shots with the player that makes a lot of 3 point shots. My son Joe tells players “Taking a lot of 3 point shots does not make a great 3 point shooter. Making a lot of 3 point shots does.”
The game of basketball has changed dramatically since the implementation of the 3 point shot. If a player wants to make a team and wants playing time they must be able to take and hit the 3 point shot.
Please join us for our (4) day 3 point shot clinic Monday June 24th to Thursday June 27th. Don't let your daughter/son fall behind others.
Coach Joe Tardif Sr
The 3 Point Shot
You may not like it or agree with it but regardless of a player’s size, the most valued skill required to play basketball today is the three point shot. And it starting at a younger age every year. Players will take hundreds of 3 point shots per session. Repetition is the best process for becoming a good consistent 3 point shooter. But correct form is very important. Proper form for shooting the 3 will be emphasized for younger players. Older players that already have a form shot that they use will be encouraged to make some changes that will improve their performance.
Younger players will be taught the form basics to make the 3 point shot more consistently. Older players are often reluctant or find it difficult to make changes in the shot that they have been using their entire life. We will make suggested changes in their shot to improve their consistency while maintaining their current shooting form. |
Coaches: Coach Joe Tardif Sr
See Joe in action and a drill
Range Shooting Drill
Joe Jr. shooting video highlights
Proper hand Placement
Click on video on the right to see how all the drills you son or daughter will be working on helped my son Joe; Jump shots, shots off the dribble, catch and shoot, off the rebound, moving without the ball, quick release, shot fake drive etc. There is so much that makes a great shooter.